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Vistage Michigan Leadership Development

The Goal: More Success

Since 1957, Vistage has made a difference by bringing together groups of successful executives across a broad array of industries.

The goal: more success.

Each group is designed to help members help each other improve their businesses and their lives.

Our Professionally Facilitated Advisory Peer Groups Dig Deep on Challenging and Important Issues.

Vistage groups meet every six weeks to solve problems, evaluate opportunities and work on an assortment of strategic and operational issues.

They are confidential forums of experienced executives who rely on each other for wisdom and counsel.

And Then It Happens

Through these expertly facilitated discussions, What to do? becomes What to do.

Perspective is achieved, a definitive plan of action is determined.

In subsequent meetings, progress is checked and accountability ensured.

Northern Michigan Style

Work on Your Business with CEOs, Executives and Owners Just Like You.

Video: Tom Moran, Moran Iron Works, Inc.

Vistage CE 21 Group Member since June 2011

Video: Paul Wieland, Frontier Computer Corp.

Vistage CE 21 Group Member since January 2014

Are you ready for the challenge?

Our Chairs, Many of Whom are Former CEOs, Expertly Coach Our Peer Groups.

Put 12 or so high performing business executives in a room and the potential is enormous.

The role of a Vistage Chair is to question answers, not simply answer questions, so the core of an issue is exposed, clarity is achieved, and a forward path is charged.

World-Class Facilitators Make a World of Difference.